Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sims Freeplay Tutorial

Hello! I've decided to create a blog to help you through the Sims Freeplay (iPhone version). I will be posting tips and tricks among with quests. I hope you enjoy :)

Here, you create your sim. I randomized mine. This is my sim! Her name is Michelle Meester. 

Here is the Sims Freeplay: Tutorial

1. Buy a Toilet (free)
2. Use a toilet (7 seconds)
At this point, you'll level up. Congratulations!

3. Wash hands (7 seconds)
4. Expand a room (Free)

5. Add flooring (I bought white carpet for $150, but I heard the blue carpet is free?)

6. Add some wallpaper (Once again, I heard the white wallpaper is free.)

Level up: level 3

7. Buy a lamp 
8. Move an object (Go to buy mode, click on an object, move it and place using the green tick)

9. Browse clothes in a wardrobe 
10. Buy a garden patch (Found in trees and plants, free)
11. Plant some bell peppers (Free)

Level 4

12. Check your mailbox (Earn money)
13. Collect revenue on the town map (Exit house/go to town, click on money sign on top of house)
14. Build a workplace (Fire station)
15. Get a sim a job at the fire station 

16. Add a sim (Build new house for free and click on house when done)

17. Inspire a sim using a cupcake

Level 5

18. Place a clock from the inventory (Access home store click on "inventory" and place Modern Wall clock somewhere in the house)

19. Open sim tracker (The folder sign on the side of your screen)
20. Call a sim over (Using the sim tracker)
21. Switch sim selection (Search for other sim, click on them and switch)
22. Be funny to a sim (Click on sim and choose action "be funny", 10 secs)

23. Build the park (4 minutes, but you may use a lifestyle point to speed things up and build it instantly)

Yay! Congrats! You are officially done with the tutorial. Now you may move on to other quests.

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